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Jennifer and Brad, really friends? Let's hope so      01/12/05

As the break up of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt sinks into the hearts and minds of their fans across the globe and gossip columns around the world, it appears that these two individuals were not only a Hollywood dream couple but adored internationally. more...

Call Us Crazy, but We See a Buddy Movie Here      01/10/05

MICHAEL MOORE did something shocking for the People's Choice Awards show in Los Angeles on Sunday night - he got himself coiffed more...

Critics Gaga for Clint's      01/10/05

For once, Sideways didn't win a critics award. But in defeat, it may have kept its Oscar dream alive. Alexander Payne's wine-praising film was bypassed by Clint Eastwood's sweaty boxing drama more...

A Blake Case Question: Is He a Bad Actor?      01/09/05

Actor Robert Blake's murder trial raises an unusual question --- can your guilt or innocence be shown by how you behave while your wife lies bleeding to death in a car? more...

Julia Roberts buys 32 acres of land from Donald Rumsfeld!:      01/08/05

Hollywood diva Julia Roberts campaigned against President George Bush before the Presidential elections, but that has not stopped the 'Pretty Woman' from buying 32 acres of land from her neighbour Donald Rumsfeld in more...

Court Dismisses Record Company Suit Over Aaliyah Crash      01/07/05

They may have helped her put out records, but the people at Aaliyah's record company aren't family. As a result, an appeals court in Manhattan has ruled that Blackground Records can't sue the video producer more...

Andre 3000, Tyrese Feeling Brotherly      01/06/05

OutKast's Andre 3000 and fellow artist Tyrese have signed on to star in Mark Wahlberg's next film, which was formerly known as "Four Brothers" but is currently untitled. more...

Slim Shady studio boss found dead      01/05/05

The owner of a recording studio where Eminem recorded his best-selling Slim Shady LP has been found shot dead on the premises. AJ Abdallah, who was 36, was discovered by a business colleague at the Detroit studio on Tuesday. more...

Station ditches 'Daddy,' says adoption not a game      01/04/05

The decision to pre-empt Fox's "Who's Your Daddy" on Monday marked the fourth time the Raleigh-Durham station has bucked its network's reality programming. more...

Amber Frey Still Thinks About Scott Peterson      01/03/05

Amber Frey's tell-all book about her affair with Scott Peterson hits store shelves Tuesday, but some people already got a sneak peak. more...

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