11/16/04 |
1. The meaning of the colors of the Garifuna flag: Yellow is for hope and liberation. White is for peace and freedom. Black is for Africa, death and suffering. This is a combination of 2 different definitions given by Garinagu from Honduras and Belize.
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11/08/04 |
Instead of working together for a common goal, there seems to be a division of ideals and purpose. All of this needs to come to an end! Every time there is a need to help our people here in the States or abroad, there is never a united front to utilize our strength and resources towards a common solution or goal.
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11/01/04 |
As we enter the month of November, we Garinagu, must take into perspective the reason of the Settlement Day Celebration. Many times we take for granted this especial day and just celebrate without taking into account the reason of the celebration. This is the time of the year that Garinagu from all over celebrate the day of the arrival to the land of Belize in Dangriga in 1832.
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Shall I Be A Garifuna Today or Shall I Not? |
10/31/04 |
There is an inaccuracy in the population count of the Garifuna in our communities. We are underestimated and undercounted in the villages, towns, and the different countries that we live in. In Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, St. Vincent and in the United States, we are counted as only a small minority usually as 10% or less in each of these countries.
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10/28/04 |
1. Cassava (ereba) contains vitamin B-17 which helps to protect against diseases like malaria and sickle cell anemia and also it is a natural steroid
2. Did you know that Chief Joseph Chatuye was named the First National Hero in the Island of St. Vincent on March 14, 2002 which is the highest honor of achievement attainable of that state.
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The Garifuna Mis-education of the Web |
10/28/04 |
As I search the different websites for information on
the Garifuna people, I have found a number of
misleading articles. It is a misconception that they
claim that the country of Belize is the mecca of the
Garifuna culture. However, Honduras, the nation with
the largest population of Garinagu in the world, is
the center of Garifuna culture.
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