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My Garifuna -> Gari-Birthday

Welcome to the gari-birthday section of
Is your birthday coming up soon? if yes, email us the date, a little comment about yourself and a picture at or through our message center. We'll post it and notify the whole world that you are a baby, once again!

Date NameComment
Jan-11 Dixon Marin
This is one of the guys that you'd hardly ever hear about in the public, but did you know that Dixon Marin drove the movement to get the garinet project off the ground? Had it not been for this man, maybe you would not know a thing about garinet. Did you also know that a great majority of the design of the Garifuna CD covers is created by Mr. Marin (when you get a chance, take a look a the "Marin's Print" sign located on his cd covers). This is a brother that certainly put action behind his words. He's not much with words, I have to admit, but he'd certainly would give you a hand when you need it the most. We'd proudly like to wish Mr. Dixon Marin a great Happy Birthday! Send him your birthday wishes at
Feb-09 Andres Cayetano
The garinet members would like to wish Andres Cayetano a happy belated birthday! Mr. Cayetano, is a respectable Garifuna who has contributed to the community in many positive ways. Some of Mr. Cayetano's great contributions include the transportation of computers and stablishment of an educational computer center in San Antonio, Colon, Honduras. Mr. Cayetano has written a few documents to create awareness within our community. Some of his work include "The Lack of Education in our Garifuna Nation" which is also available in spanish as "La falta de Educacion en Nuestra Nacion Garifuna". At the time of this writing his new document titled "Como perdimos la meta" is beign edited by the garinet editing team
Feb-26 Odesa Reyes
Mrs. Reyes has been like a mother and more than a mother to me! Her great advices has contributed a great deal to the person that I am today, and on her birthday I would like to wish her to have the best day of her life!
Mar-21 Jasmine Castro
Jasmine Castro, daughter of Jerry Castro is celebrating her birthday in the month of March. As an extended family, we at Garinet wish Jasmine a very Happy Birthday.
Apr-17 Jerry Castro
Mr. Castro and myself just met recently in a somewhat unexpected way. I'm extremely impressed by Mr. Castro's ability to remain a true humble Garifuna brother! This brother is a master mind, very intelligent and highly creative! He serves as a good example in our community, for being true to his culture and open to his people. Some his work can be viewed at his Garifuna University project. On his birthday myself along with some of the garinet members that have touched basis with Mr. Castro, would like to wish him a very happy birthday!
May-11 Jairo Rochez Jairo and myself have never met in person. The only thing that unites us is and more importantly our precious Garifuna culture! Being one of the first one to volunteer for our garinet translation initiative, the only one thing I can deduce about Jairo is that he is a person of action. The garinet would like to wish Jairo a GREAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You may send him your birthday wishes at:
Jun-08 Belinda
Happy birthday to Belinda! Feel free to wish her a happy birthday by email at :
Dec-10 Alex Arriaza
The only thing that I can say about myself is that I am from Puerto Barrios Izabal. Guatemala, and I love the Garifuna Culture, and mi Linda Raza Garifuna, Puerto Barrios and Livingston Izabal would not be as special as it is without mi linda Raza Garifuna que embellezen esos lindos lugares que Dios nos a regalado.. my birthday is December 10th. Gracias y que Dios me los bendiaga a Todos. Alex Arriaza