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Usted esta aqui: Libros > Diccionarios > A Study of the Reading and Writing of Garifuna - Garifuna, English, Spanish

Don Justo

A Study of the Reading and Writing of Garifuna - Garifuna, English, Spanish

(1983): This book is a collection of words used by the Garifuna
people in daily conversations. Hailed as the first Garifuna Dictionary compiled and published by a Garifuna........
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Su Precio $25.97

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Acerca de Don Justo
Justin "Don Justo" M. Flores' lifetime achievements are notably extensive. He was not an educated man, but he was extremely talented, naturally gifted, and a forward thinker. Together with rearing his 16 children and a number of relatives, he; from an early age, found time in spearheading a number of projects; such as the Los Angeles Carib/Garifuna Settlement Day Celebration, and personally undertaking the production and publication of numerous materials; all in an effort of promoting the image and preserving the existence of his culture; the Garifuna People.

Don Justo sold and donated several of these materials himself while he was alive. Today, they can be found in many homes worldwide, and at the Barranco Library, in Punta Gorda, Belize as/for a permanent display/research purposes. But, 5 years after he passed away in 1994, there are still many copies of his products in storage, with very little being done to continue on with their intended purposes. His family has made a commitment to change all this; first, with the CD release of Reggae Nuwanee I and now the launch of this article to let it be known of these products availability.

In the interest of keeping Don Justo's spirit and intentions alive, below are brief descriptions of his available products. The following will allow you to view a listing of Don Justo's products, currently available for purchase.

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Titulo: The most enjoyable book
Por: Rony P. Email: Eibuganali@.com Nota: a person who enjoy good literiture.
Revision: I felt in love with the book as soon as a had it in my hands. Lets not say when i read it!!! I recommend this book to any garifuna that want to learn more about their culture as for others, i say this.. read the book because Don Justo is a professional tranlator and you will learn that the garifunas in the 1600's where real smart,like any human being....
Titulo: Great Source!
Nota: A proud Garifuna learner
Revision: This is a great source for those that want to start learning the Garifuna language. I'm pretty new in the field and by reading this book, I can honestlty tell you that I'm learning something new every single day. I hightly recommended
Titulo: "It's Here"
Por: Mirna/Fayola Email: TurquioseBlue9@aol.com Nota: a educational advocate & artist
Revision: I am so happy to see that finally, I'll be able to extend my knowledge in speaking & being able to intrepret the dialect. I am formally a born native of La Ceiba, Honduras & my mother Consuelo, my father Nicascio is from Travesia, my grandparents from Belize & Trujillo. The language was spoken at home & exchanged through family but I unfortunately never got the to learn & speak. I've been doing research for the longest on my background enriched history & I am happy to see that finally some reading material has arrive to extend our knowledges......Thank you very much "Don Justo" for putting this project together......Congratulations! I will certainly be looking forward to reading
this book.

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T M Scruggs Jr:

 Nuevos Productos en Diccionarios...

  1. A Study of the Reading and Writing of Garifuna - Garifuna, English, Spanish

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The People`s Garifuna Dictionary - E. Roy Cayetano
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Su Precio $49.97


A Study of the Reading and Writing of Garifuna - Garifuna, English, Spanish - Don Justo
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Su Precio $25.97