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Garinet Updates » THE ALL NEW GARINET!
Nov 13, 2003

Garinet has been redesigned from the ground up, from the Logo to the front page to the coloring of the sub-sections. Most importantly, garinet.com, is now fully bilingual.

We spent seven days and seven nights of hard work, but for great cause. First and foremost, we would like to thank all of those that provided their input into this development. Special thanks goes to Luis David for working on the front design, Jerry Castro for his continuous support with content and of course, special thanks to me (Jorge Garifuna) for going to bed at 7AM for seven days, programming the backend of site for easy content management.

having said that, let's get right on to the new and the good of Garinet.com:
- Garinet is now fully bilingual (English and Espanol)
- As you can see the interface has been fully redesigned.
- The logo has been modernized
- All sub-sections have their own color theme
- The photo gallery module has been upgraded
- The sound bytes modules has been upgraded
- The video clips seccion has been added again and updated
- and many more great features. Feel free to explore and if you find something out of order, make sure to let us know.


Jorge Garifuna

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